At Chadwell Heath Academy we take our collective responsibility to promote the welfare, physical and mental health, and safety of all students and staff very seriously. All students and staff have the right to be safe from all forms of maltreatment, neglect, sexual exploitation, bullying, discrimination, crime and anti-social behaviour.
If you have a safeguarding concern please do contact the Safeguard Team:
Ms K Hirnschrodt is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. If you are unable to reach Ms Hirnschrodt or would rather speak to another member of the team then please take your concerns to Mrs Rashid, Mrs Green or Mrs Sargeant who are also part of the Safeguard team. Mrs K Garratt is the Mental Health lead.
- 0208 252 5151 ext 227.
- The Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mr Wilkinson.
- If you have a safeguarding concern with regard to the behaviours of a member of staff. Or feel that a safeguarding concern has not been addressed fully, then this concern can be directed to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Redbridge. Helen Curtis Telephone 020 8708 5350
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 states that schools are responsible for ensuring online safety. In particular there should be filtering in place to ensure the blocking of inappropriate content and monitoring to ensure acceptable use of all staff and pupils. Since September 2023 we have fulfilled this requirement through the use of two systems. Smoothwall filters, blocks, monitors, and alerts safeguarding staff to inappropriate Internet use. Imperio carries out the same functions across all computer use. The combined impact is that there is real time monitoring of staff and pupils, of their online and technology usage, that safeguards and protect our community from harmful and malicious content.
- All pupils school emails have filtering in place to only allow communication with pre-approved addresses.
- Laptops that have been given to support pupil learning all have search filtering and monitoring software uploaded before they are distributed.
If your concern is outside of school hours you can contact:
• Redbridge Child Protection & Assessment Team : 020-8708-3781/3885
• The Redbridge Emergency Duty Social Work Team contacted via Redbridge Control Centre on 020-8553-5825.
As a parent you may find the following links useful in dealing with safeguarding issues:
- Helping to have difficult conversations with your children:
- Keeping your child safe when they are away from home:
- Self-Harm:
- FGM:
- Radicalisation: and What to do if you are worried someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or other:
- Operation Encompass is a Police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which ensures that a child's school is informed, prior to the start of the next school day, to allow the school to be fully informed and prepared to support young people who have witnessed or been victims of domestic abuse:
- Accetable usage of technology staff Copy
- Accetable usage of technology students
- Barnardos leaflet on CSE for parents
- Knifecrime
- Runaways Parents Guide